Online English Language Specialist & Teacher

I’m a London based, native speaking, English Teacher and ESOL Lecturer with over ten years experience teaching English

as a language and subject at UK secondary schools, post-16+ colleges and various language schools in London and abroad.


I have a First Degree in English Language and Literature, a Distinction in Teacher Training and an Above Average CELTA teaching qualification.  I have taught English for well over ten years and have successfully prepared students for a variety of English exams, including GCSE, and CEFR related. I also teach English communication skills for academic, career and work related purposes.

‘Language is a finding place, not a hiding place’… J.Winterson

At Ellen’s English Studio you can learn, improve and consolidate your English for any purpose:

to pass exams, for use in the work place or simply to communicate more fluently anywhere.

I offer a free, half an hour, trial session to discuss your needs, assess your level and design a learning plan.


What do you get?

o Lessons individually designed for you o Native British English language input o Interactive and engaging practice o Personalised study resources o Instant feedback and ownership o Your own 24 hour study folder o Homework support off-line

What areas of English do I cover?        

o GCSE/IGCSE exams o English as a second language o Academic & Subject related English o IELTS/ESOL/Cambridge/CELTA exams o Business & Work related English o Fluency Coaching

My Background


I have a First Degree in English Literature and Language, a Distinction in Teacher Training and an Above Average CELTA qualification.  I have taught English for well over ten years in a variety of different schools and have prepared students for English exams at secondary schools, language institutions and in further education with high pass results.

As well as being classroom based, I really enjoy teaching online as this is a great way for students to have that extra, individual level of attention and support which is often missing in the classroom.

I have always been passionate about the English language, I’m lucky to be able to ‘do what I love’. More importantly to me, I find it incredibly rewarding to give others the language tools they need in order to open doors to other possibilities be it for professional or personal reasons.

Before my life as a teacher, I worked in the London corporate hospitality industry and for TIME Magazine whilst also raising two children who are now independent, thriving, young adults.


Business English Teacher

2011 – 2012

English Language Teacher

2013 - 2015


English Teacher - KS3/4

2015 - 2016


English Lecturer & ESOL Teacher

2018 - present

English SEN Teacher & CL

2016 - 2017


Online English Teacher

2018 - present


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